Oleh : Dicky Kurniawan
In this writing,I would like to share my opinion about “Meet the Robinsons” movie(for those who haven’t watch the movie, I recommend to watch it first because it contain spoiler of the movie). Before we start, let summarize what the film is about. It’s a story about a genius 12 years old orphanage name Lewis who love inventing something, one day a weird kid name Wilbur Robinson who come from future ask Lewis for help to find bowler hat guy who try to ruin the future
"Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we're curious … and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths."
Walt Disney
What I like about this movie is the message about “keep moving forward”(as you can see from above) and how they deliver it throughout this film. Lets take a look of our main character Lewis, at first we see him depressed and hopeless about his dream and future especially when he frustrated about his failure at science fair, Suddenly a boy from future name Wilbur Robinson ask him for help to find bowler hat man who try to ruin the future, so Wilbur take Lewis to his time and met his family, they also help Lewis regain his spirit to invent something. One of quotes that really motivate me “from failing you learn, from success not so much” it’s like encourage me to face the failure, because you can’t be successful if you scared to be failed, because from failure we learn a lot of thing and gain more experience. And from this movie I learned that if you want to be successful you need a family or friend who support your dream because they can encourage you when you feel down and become our mood booster when we feel tired.
I become more impressed with how they delivered the message with the representation from it’s character especially from Wilbur’s dad and bowler hat guy. Wilbur’s dad the one who give motto “keep moving forward” to his family is very optimistic guy, he never give up until he achieve his goal. He even fail couple hundreds times inventing time machines and after that he finally finished it, from this example we can see his strong determination that lead him to become great inventor. And then there’s bowler hat guy, actually when he was kid he’s more matured for his age, but one day, he failed his team from winning baseball championship, his fury became uncontrollable as he was constantly in a bad mood, he even shut himself down and dropped out of school. Even as an adult he still thinks about his failures and can't move on from it which makes him mentally still like a child because there is no education and connection with society. He blames Wilbur's father for everything that happened to him. From these two characters, we can see how the motto "Keep moving forward" has shaped their characters and their careers.
Maybe that's all I can review from the movie "Meet the Robinsons". the message in the film was conveyed well and left a mark for me. if you need motivation, I recommend to watch this film.
SDM-O (Sumber Daya Mahasiswa-Organisasi) Himajubi (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris)